Elections: Please register to vote now and avoid a visit

Please register to vote now and avoid a visit from a canvasser

Release date: 1 November

Over 85% of residents in the Cotswold district have responded to the Council’s annual canvass to ensure the electoral register is up to date.

The Council sent out electoral registration forms to households at the end of August, and reminders in September.  We are now employing canvassers to visit properties which have not yet returned their form.

To avoid a visit from one of our canvassers, please return your form to us now.  If you are not on the electoral register, you will not be able to vote and may be refused credit when shopping or conducting other transactions.

Residents who haven’t received a form should contact the Elections Team immediately on 01285 623002.

Sarah Dalby, the Electoral Services Manager for CDC, says:

“Being on the register means you can vote and will also help with your credit rating.  Please check the details printed on the inside of the electoral registration form. If the information is correct, all you need to do is confirm your registration either online, by text, Freephone or post.

“If you need to make changes, you can register online or by post.”

For more information or for help or advice, contact us on 01285 623002



Bob McNally

Press and Media Liaison Officer,

Cotswold District Council

Tel: 01285 623120

Website: www.cotswold.gov.uk

email: press@cotswold.gov.uk

Twitter: @CotswoldDC  @CDCBizmatters