Indiana State Board of Nursing Collaborative Agreement

The Indiana State Board of Nursing Collaborative Agreement: What You Need to Know

If you`re a nurse in Indiana, you`ve probably heard of the Indiana State Board of Nursing Collaborative Agreement. But what exactly is it, and why does it matter? In this article, we`ll break down the basics of this important agreement and help you understand its significance.

What is the Indiana State Board of Nursing Collaborative Agreement?

The Indiana State Board of Nursing Collaborative Agreement is a legal document that outlines the collaboration between a registered nurse (RN) and a licensed healthcare provider (LHCP). Specifically, the agreement allows RNs to perform certain medical procedures that would typically fall under the LHCP`s scope of practice, but only under the supervision and direction of the LHCP.

Why does the Indiana State Board of Nursing Collaborative Agreement matter?

For RNs in Indiana, the Collaborative Agreement is a critical component of their ability to practice medicine. Without the agreement, RNs would not be able to perform many of the medical procedures they are trained to do, which would severely limit their ability to provide care to patients.

Additionally, the Collaborative Agreement helps ensure patient safety by setting clear guidelines for how medical procedures should be performed. By requiring RNs to work under the supervision and direction of an LHCP, the agreement helps ensure that patients receive the highest quality of care possible.

What procedures are covered under the Indiana State Board of Nursing Collaborative Agreement?

The Collaborative Agreement covers a wide range of medical procedures, including:

– Administration of medications

– Administration of immunizations

– Performance of skin tests

– Performance of cancer screenings

– Performance of diagnostic tests

– Prescribing certain medications (with prior approval from the LHCP)

It`s important to note that the specific procedures covered under the Collaborative Agreement can vary depending on the LHCP with whom the RN is collaborating. RNs should always check with their LHCP to determine which procedures they are authorized to perform.

How can RNs obtain a Collaborative Agreement?

To obtain a Collaborative Agreement, RNs must first identify an LHCP with whom they wish to collaborate. Once they have identified an LHCP, they must work with that provider to draft a Collaborative Agreement that meets the requirements set forth by the Indiana State Board of Nursing.

The Collaborative Agreement must be submitted to the State Board of Nursing for approval before the RN can begin performing medical procedures under its authority. Once the agreement is approved, RNs can begin practicing under its authority.

In conclusion, the Indiana State Board of Nursing Collaborative Agreement is an essential component of nursing practice in Indiana. By allowing RNs to perform certain medical procedures under the supervision and direction of an LHCP, the agreement helps ensure that patients receive the highest quality of care possible. If you`re an RN in Indiana, it`s important to understand the requirements for obtaining a Collaborative Agreement and to work closely with an LHCP to ensure that your practice is in compliance with state regulations.
