Athletic Trainer Written Physician Supervision Agreement

If you are an athletic trainer, you may have heard of the term “physician supervision agreement.” This agreement is a crucial document that outlines the working relationship between an athletic trainer and a supervising physician. It ensures that the athletic trainer is working within their scope of practice and under the supervision of a qualified physician.

The purpose of the physician supervision agreement is to protect the health and safety of the athletes under the care of an athletic trainer. It outlines the responsibilities of both parties, including the physician`s responsibility to provide oversight and the athletic trainer`s responsibility to work within their scope of practice and follow established guidelines.

The agreement should include a detailed description of the athletic trainer`s scope of practice, including their level of education and training, as well as any state or national certification requirements. It should also outline the specific services that the athletic trainer is authorized to provide, such as injury assessment, prevention, and treatment.

In addition, the physician supervision agreement should include provisions for regular communication between the athletic trainer and the supervising physician. This can include regular meetings or check-ins to discuss the athlete`s progress, any changes to treatment plans, or any concerns or issues that arise.

Finally, the physician supervision agreement should also outline the procedures for emergency situations. This can include instructions for when and how to contact the supervising physician, as well as any protocols for handling medical emergencies on the field or during practice.

In conclusion, as an athletic trainer, it is important to have a clear and comprehensive physician supervision agreement in place with a supervising physician. This agreement protects both the athlete`s health and safety as well as the athletic trainer`s professional practice. If you do not currently have a physician supervision agreement in place, speak with your supervising physician to ensure that you are working within established guidelines and protocols.
