Berkeley Hunt Meet – Sat 10th March

As the adverse weather caused the postponement of the Beaufort point to point, which will now take place on Saturday March 10th, the joint Beaufort/Berkeley meet which was planned for Hunters Hall will now be a meet of the Berkeley Hounds, and will take place at

Tim Sage

Lexus car keys found

A set of keys for a Lexus car was found yesterday at the top of the Hazlecote hill whilst running (by the triangulation point). If you believe they’re yours please contact Carolyne Crowe on 07500 006383.

Wine Quiz – Fri 9th March

Come along on and take part in a Wine Quiz, including wine tastings with cheese and biscuits.

When: Friday 9 March 7.30 pm

Where: Village Hall

Tickets: £7.50 from Annabella Lucy or call 860 617 before Wednesday 7th March please.



Big Things – Arts Lovers We Need You!

Hi there,

I am developing an exciting, new programme for a major UK Broadcaster and we need the help of art clubs, centres and enthusiasts to get the word out.

The idea behind the show is that we will be funding numerous public art projects around the country and we want the public to nominate their own village to win the chance of creating a new landmark for their community

The unique process will see established artists working with the local people to create large pieces of public art that have specific meaning to their community. We want them to use public art as a way of creating a  discussion about their own shared collective identity

We would like residents of small towns and villages to get in touch and tell us what makes their hometown so special. Does it have a rich history? Is something or someone famous associated with it? Do they have interesting traditions? Has the community fallen on hard times and is in need of reminding people about  how special it really is? What is their unique story?

The most important thing is that the town has a strong sense of community and a commitment to the project, as this is a journey they will all go on together with the goal to create a legacy piece of public art that generations will be proud of

We’re hoping that art lovers will be able to spread the word by forwarding the email on to the right people and displaying the flyer (attached to this email) where it can be easily seen.

A member of our team will be in touch to any applicants we wish to progress further.

Thank you in advance

Team Big Things